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2 days ago3 min read
Autism: What Is It?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or simply autism in everyday language, is a group of neuropsychiatric diagnoses that includes autism and...
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Dec 73 min read
Three, trilogy, mythology, fairy tales and psychology
‘3’ is a number that appears throughout history, shaping our thoughts, feelings and actions in a way we hardly notice. Culture, as we...
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Aug 53 min read
How can I have a daily life with fewer panic attacks and less panic disorder?
How can I have a daily life with fewer panic attacks and less panic disorder? It is not easy to live with panic disorder and panic...
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Aug 51 min read
Reactions to intense anxiety and fear
Fear is one of the earliest and most basic human emotions. Both fear and anxiety are the body's own way of signalling threat and danger....
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Aug 52 min read
What is panic disorder?
Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder defined according to the following criteria below. It is included in the group of anxiety disorders...
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Aug 42 min read
What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
Panic attack is the feeling of sudden, intense fear and anxiety attacks that appear at regular intervals, lasting over time, accompanying...
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